2023 review: step by step

🔋 Mood: Not believing there is less than a month left in 2023.
☕ Drinking: Breakfast tea with milk
🎶 Listening: The washing machine: today it is laundry day.
The end of the year is approaching, and it is time to close one more chapter and review how our lives have been during this year.
That is why I have created this end-of-year challenge so that together, we can analyze what has gone well, what has gone badly, and what we can improve for 2024.
Today is the first day of this challenge, and we will learn how to review our year together.
1 – Review your New Year’s resolutions
The first thing we have to do is check the list of resolutions we made at the beginning of the year and see which ones we have fulfilled, which ones we have not fulfilled and why this happened.
If we decided to do more sports and we haven’t done it, why was that? Perhaps it was due to poor time management, an injury that prevented us from doing so, or maybe we completely forgot about it.
Review each of these purposes point by point and write your conclusions in a notebook or a document on your computer.
2 – Monthly Summary
This habit started ten years ago when I left home. That year was so crazy for me that I needed to summarise it and remember it in the future. I found the experience so helpful that I have been doing it every year since then.
It is about summarising each month: events, trips we have taken, people we lost, new people that have come into our lives, job changes…
We need a piece of paper (like the notebook mentioned before) and anything that can help us remember: our planner, social media or the calendar…
3 – Final reflection
This reflection is a moment to write down everything we consider important about the end of the year.
I always use mine to analyze the word of the year (a word that I chose in January to guide my year. I will talk more about that in the post of the 11th of December) and a summary of my year’s achievements.
This list of achievements always helps me realize that the year was full of small victories worth celebrating.
Are you going to do a review this year? Please tell me about it! 🙂
P.S. Next week, we will talk about how to set up our 2024 goals.
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